Eco-Friendly Ways to Renovate Your Bathroom 

Eco-Friendly Ways to Renovate Your Bathroom 

Bathrooms are notorious for being one of the most environmentally damaging rooms in a home because of the large amounts of water they consume. Fortunately, many modern upgrades have made it possible to renovate your bathroom in a way that makes it more eco-friendly. If you’re planning on renovating your bathroom, now is the perfect time to start considering changes you can make to decrease your home’s negative environmental impact. Making aspects of your home greener won’t just benefit the environment; it will also help you save money on your utility bill and make your home more marketable to potential buyers. If you need help planning your green renovation, here are some ideas of eco-friendly ways to renovate your bathroom. The earth will thank you for it.

Install a mini split ventilation system

Ventilation is crucial in bathrooms. Without adequate ventilation, excess moisture can build up and result in outbreaks of mold and mildew as well as moisture damage. Such mold often requires the use of harsh chemicals such as bleach that can be damaging to the environment to get rid of. As such, ventilation is essential for reducing high levels of humidity—and the potential for mold growth—in one’s bathroom.

Unfortunately, many ventilation systems consume substantial amounts of energy over time. Since forgoing ventilation isn’t an option if you want to preserve your bathroom and avoid harmful mold outbreaks, it’s important to search for a more energy-efficient ventilation solution. That’s where mini split ventilation systems come into play.

Mini split systems don’t require any ductwork, which means less energy is needed to transport fresh air into various locations throughout the house. Instead, mini split systems supply fresh air from outside directly into your bathroom for maximum efficiency. As such, mini split ventilation systems will consume less energy and reduce the negative impact your bathroom’s ventilation needs have on the environment.

Opt for a high-efficiency toilet

One of the biggest water guzzlers in your home is the toilet. In fact, toilets are responsible for nearly one-third of many homes’ water consumption. Toilets that were made just a few years ago may consume over three gallons of water in each flush. Older toilets created before 1992 may even consume up to a whopping seven gallons a flush. To prevent such waste, one of the best ways to make your bathroom more eco-friendly is by swapping out your old toilet for a high-efficiency model. High-efficiency toilets generally consume only around 1.3 gallons of water per flush.

Since toilets are used frequently throughout the day, making such a switch can end up saving thousands of gallons of water each year as well as saving you thousands of dollars on your utility bill over the course of the toilet’s lifetime. 

Install a low-flow shower head

Another water-consuming culprit in one’s home is the shower head. After toilets and washing machines, showers are generally the third-largest water consumer in a home. On average, most shower heads use around 2.5 gallons of water per minute. As such, a short 10-minute shower can consume around 25 gallons. By switching to a low-flow shower head, you can greatly decrease this number.

Low-flow shower heads simply decrease the amount of water pressure provided to reduce the amount of water that is wasted. In well-designed low-flow shower heads, you likely won’t even notice that less water is being dispensed.

Many low-flow shower heads consume as little as 1.8 gallons of water per minute, reducing the amount of water used in a 10-minute shower by up to seven gallons. Over time, this simple switch can end up saving thousands of gallons of water—especially for those who enjoy taking longer showers.

Switch to LED lighting

When it comes to living a more eco-friendly lifestyle, even small changes can end up making a big difference. Switching the lightbulbs you use to more energy-efficient versions may seem like an insignificant eco-friendly way to renovate your bathroom. However, over time, such as change can have a substantial impact.

Many bathrooms don’t have windows, which makes artificial lighting an essential. Because the lights will likely be on each time the bathroom is in use, it’s important to use bulbs with maximum energy efficiency.

Currently, LED bulbs are considered one of the most energy-efficient lighting options. Consuming only 7 watts of energy, they are far more efficient than CFL lightbulbs, which consume 14 watts, and incandescent lightbulbs, which consume 60 watts on average.

In addition, LED bulbs have much longer lifespans. They typically last up to 25,000 hours, which is far longer than the lifespans of CFL lightbulbs (8,000 hours) and incandescent bulbs (1,200 hours). As such, using LED lightbulbs will result in much less waste as they will have to be replaced less frequently than other lightbulb options.

Invest in a more energy-efficient water heater

A nice warm shower could be wreaking havoc on the environment if you don’t have the right appliances. A large chunk of your home’s energy usage is designated to heating water. In fact, water heaters are the second-highest consumer of energy in a home, aside from air conditioning and heating. Because most water heaters consume exorbitant amounts of energy, it’s important to invest in a more energy-efficient option if you want a truly green bathroom. When searching for an energy-efficient water heater, keep an eye out for ones that are ENERGY STAR certified. Such a certification guarantees superior energy efficiency based on strict criteria set by the US Environmental Protection Agency or the US Department of Energy. Examples of more eco-friendly water heater options to shop for include solar water heaters, tankless water heaters, or condensing storage water heaters.

At the Pioneer Mini Split Store, we are dedicated to providing you with quality energy-efficient products for all areas of your home, from the bathroom to the kitchen. Our ductless mini split HVAC systems are easy to install, economical, and consume far less energy than most ducted systems. To improve ventilation in your bathroom while minimizing energy usage, shop our collection of wall and ceiling mount mini splits today.

Ways to Renovate Your Bathroom