5 Common HVAC Installation Mistakes & How To Avoid Them

5 Common HVAC Installation Mistakes & How To Avoid Them

As you live in your home throughout the years, your home appliances and systems must be high-quality and work efficiently. The devices will prevent safety risks and keep your home comfortable.

What happens when an HVAC no longer works and needs replacement? Don’t worry: there are simple remedies. Here are five common HVAC installation mistakes and how to avoid them.

What’s an HVAC?

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. It’s a system that moves air throughout your home (both inside and out.) It provides cool air in the summer and heat in the winter. With the incorporation of an HVAC, the air in your home becomes improved, removing excess moisture, smoke, heat, dust, odors, airborne bacteria, gasses, and carbon dioxide.

HVAC Mistakes

Even though they’re easy fixes, here are the five common HVAC installation mistakes and how to avoid them. This information is beneficial so you can prevent any mishaps. Furthermore, if any mishaps start to show themselves in the future, you’ll know how to deal with them.

Choosing the Incorrect AC

A common mistake homeowners make is choosing the wrong HVAC for their air conditioner. This can have more significant consequences and lead to AC dysfunction and energy issues.

Incorrect Sealing

Another common problem with HVAC mistakes is improper ductwork sealing. If the ductwork isn't efficiently secured, forced air seeps out of its cracks. Cracks shouldn’t exist at all. However, if there are any, you must close them using a permanent sealer.

Improper Thermostat Placement

Accidentally installing the thermostat in the wrong location can affect the efficiency of your HVAC. This common mistake causes the AC to run harder than it should due to inaccurate temperature readings. When installing it, take care to do so properly.

Choosing Improper Vent Placement

If your vents are in incorrect places, you won’t receive adequate airflow from the HVAC. You can quickly solve this problem by spreading the vents evenly throughout your home. It’s recommended to put them in areas where they won't be covered.

Not Enough Condenser Clearance

In order to know that your HVAC system is running efficiently, give your condenser at least two feet of clearance on either side. By doing so, it won’t struggle to intake air and will run smoothly. Therefore, its energy usage will be efficient, and wear and tear will be reduced.

How To Avoid Them

Prevent HVAC installation mistakes by hiring a specialist. Do your research so you’ll get the most out of their work and your time and money. It's beneficial to have the HVAC installed professionally so there will be little to no risks.

If you need floor-mounted split systems or any other kind of HVAC, give us a visit at Pioneer Mini Split. We provide many makes and models of HVAC units and services. So, if you have any questions, contact us today.