Debunking Common Misconceptions About Ductless Mini Splits

Central air may be the traditional way to equip a home with conditioned air, but mini splits are worthy alternatives. Unfortunately, mini splits face several preconceived notions among property owners, most of which are entirely mistaken. In order to clear the air, here are a few facts debunking common misconceptions about ductless mini splits.
Myth 1: Ductless Mini Splits Are Only Suitable for New Construction
Many folks think that mini split ductless systems are strictly for new homes and offices. Nothing could be farther from the truth! While mini splits are easy to install in new construction, they’re also adaptable for older buildings. Old buildings often lack the space for extra ductwork. This makes new central HVAC systems more expensive, obstructive, and obtrusive. Ductless mini splits require less space for set up, and you can place them just out of sight without sacrificing efficiency.
Myth 2: They’re Not Energy Efficient
Upfront, mini splits are extremely energy efficient, in some ways more so than central air systems! Most mini splits are granted high SEER values and awarded Energy Star certification. They operate on inverter technology, which adjusts the compressor speed to maintain temperatures without overtaxing the system. Lacking ductwork, they also eliminate the potential for lost air through leaks. Conditioned air is directly delivered indoors with minimal loss.
Myth 3: They Can’t Provide Heat
Mini splits aren’t strictly air conditioning units. Many have heat pumps, allowing them to warm up zones or rooms in a home or office with ease. As the temperature drops, mini split heat pumps extract heat from the surrounding air and deliver it to the building’s residents. Some units possess hyper-heating capability, delivering even more heat when and where you need it most!
Myth 4: They Are Unattractive
Some folks want HVAC systems to be neither seen nor heard, just felt. Mini splits lack vents, which means the larger parts of the systems stick out. But that doesn’t mean they stick out like the proverbial sore thumb! Mini split units are sleek, unobtrusive, and compact enough to sequester in alcoves and be out of the way in a room. You can mount them high up, out of everyone’s sightlines, or paint and otherwise decorate them in ways that make them all but invisible.
Ductless mini splits offer many great advantages, including energy efficiency, flexibility, and easy installation. Hopefully, by debunking common misconceptions about ductless mini splits, the decision to switch to mini splits is now easier for you!